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It may take some time to pinpoint the source of erosion, but with these tips in mind, you can beautify your landscape and protect the environment at the same time. So now you know the ins and outs of landscaping for different types of soil. For more information about landscaping in general, visit the links on the next page. Lots More Information Related HowStuffWorks Articles More Great Links Sources "Building Healthy Soil. " Gardener's Supply Company. (accessed 11/24/08) Bauer, Erin. "Stormwater Management. Pesticide Use in Lawn and Garden. "NebGuide. (accessed 11/24/08) Cox, Jeff. "Determining Soil Type. " Home and Garden Television. (accessed 11/24/08) Dana, Michael N. "Landscape Plants for Sandy Soils. " Department of Horticulture, Purdue University. (accessed 11/24/08) "Don't Drown your Plants, Nurture Them. " KPTV News. (accessed 11/24/08) Erikson, Bill. "Plants for Clay Soils. " Illinois Green Industry Association. (accessed 11/24/08) Faust, Joan Lee. "Gardening; A New Approach to Design. "

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It's one of America's most popular colors. Available at Home Depot, Glidden's Granite Grey is easy to get your hands on. C2 may be the only paint company in the country that makes color chips with actual paint. Get yourself a sample of the Alloy C458 shown here. Benjamin Moore's Classic Color 1600 Timber Wolf is a rich blend of blue and gray. Benjamin Moore's Abalone 2108-60 is part of Candice Olson's Designer Picks collection for good reason. Walls in Benjamin Moore's Solitude AF-545 pop against the white wainscoting and built-in dining banquette. Pittsburgh Paints' Dover Gray 518-5 is an excellent exterior color choice, especially when paired with trim in Gypsum 520-1. Sherwin-WIlliams' SW7664 Steely Gray brings out the wood tones of this natural maple. Considered an off-white color by Benjamin Moore, Balboa Mist OC-27 is a lovely option for a very light gray paint. Dark base cabinets in Sherwin-Williams' SW6249 Storm Cloud ground this open-floor-plan kitchen. Shaker-style kitchen cabinets come alive painted in Gray 2121-10 by Benjamin Moore.

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