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She later became a senior editor for "Atlanta" magazine. At the age of thirty she married Heyward Siddons, and she and her husband now live in Charleston, South Carolina, and spend summers in Maine. "Peachtree Road", set in Atlanta, was a bestselling novel described as "the Southern novel for our generation" by Pat Conroy. More than a million copies are in print. In 1989 her book "Heartbreak Hotel" became a movie titled " Heart of Dixie ", which starred Ally Sheedy, Virginia Madsen, Phoebe Cates, and Treat Williams. Siddons's book "The House Next Door" was adapted for a made-for-television movie that aired in 2006 on Lifetime Television, starring Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Colin Ferguson, and Lara Flynn Boyle. The film tells the story of a woman who is drawn to a home filled with an evil presence that preys on its inhabitants' weaknesses. Siddons recently signed a three-book contract with Warner Books and has finished work on her latest novel, titled "Off Season", released August 13, 2008. * Stephen King, in his non-fiction review of the horror medium, " Danse Macabre, " listed "The House Next Door" as one of the finest horror novels of the 20th Century, and provides a lengthy review of the novel in its "Horror Fiction" section.

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This was continued, in a more professional form, by the El Eco de Villalba (1908) under Manuel Mato Vizoso and Novo Freire. After this were El Ratón (1910), El Vigía Villalbés (1913), Azul y Blanco (1914), Villalba y su comarca (1915), Galicia pintoresca (1916), and El Heraldo de Villalba (1916), which consecrated García Hermida as a professional journalist. The proliferation of written press does not end there, but continued with the first newspaper written entirely in Galician in the town, A Xustiza (1918). Soon there were also Aurora (1918), El Gato (1919), La Voz Villalbesa (1921), El Progreso Villalbés (1922) founded by Enríquez Chanot, El Villalbés (1925), El Villalbés de Buenos Aires (1927), and La Unión Ciudadana (1929). In the years of the II Republic was edited a politically active newspaper, the Faro Villalbés (1932). One of their more significant columnists was Carmiña Prieto Rouco, author of the Himno da Terra Cha. In the years of the Francoist State only two newspapers saw the light, both of which dealt mainly with sports: Stadium (1949) and El Castillo (1950).

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Los dos estaban de acuerdo y felices en unirse en matrimonio. XXI. LOS OJOS QUE MATAN Teodoro había llevado a Marianela a la habitación de Florentina y ahí era donde reposaba. Había dormido toda la noche, pero Nela estaba muy débil. Estando los tres en la habitación, irrumpió, sorpresivamente Pablo sin percatarse de la presencia de las visitas. Empezó a hablarle a Florentina de su belleza y de los deseos de casarse con ella. Le habló de su arrepentimiento de haber estado enamorado de la Nela. Cuando descubrió al médico y más tarde a la chiquilla tirada en el sillón, Marianela develó su identidad y, después de besar la mano de su antiguo amo, exhaló su último suspiro. Teodoro aseguró ser el culpable de tal desgracia por haber dado la vista a Pablo. XXII. ¡ADIÓS! Florentina le ofreció a Nela un hermoso sepulcro, riqueza que no pudo brindarle en vida. APARTE · Novela escrita a finales del siglo XIX. Una tragedia que describe la miseria y el amor de una joven hacia su amo. Pérez Galdós nos describe las condiciones de miseria en las que se ven sumidos los trabajadores de las minas.

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