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Name and Likeness Company shall have the exclusive right to use Producer's name, sobriquet, photograph, likeness, voice and or caricature (collectively �Name & Likeness�). Company shall also have the right to simulate Producer's voice, signature and appearance by any means in and in connection with the TV Series and the advertising, publicizing, exhibition, and/or other exploitation thereof in any manner and by any means and in connection with commercial advertising and publicity. Expenses The Producer will be entitled to reimburse any transportation and expenses pursuant to this Agreement provided Producer is required by Company to render services more than seventy-five (75) miles from Producer's principal place of residence.

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A FIRST COURSE IN TURBULENCE H. Tennekes and J. L. Lumley The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England Copyright @ 1972 by The Massachusetts Institute of Technalogy This book was designed by the MIT Press Design Department. It was set in IBM Univers Medium, printed and bound by Kingsport Press in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 0 262 20019 8 (hardcover) Library of Congress catalog card number: 77-165072 CONTENTS Preface xi Brief guide on the use of symbols xiii 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1. 1 The nature of turbulence 1 Irregularity 1. Diffusivity 2. Large Reynolds numbers 2. Three-dimensional vorticity fluctuations 2. Dissipation 3. Continuum 3. Turbulent flows are flows 3. 1. 2 Methods of analysis 4 Dimensional analysis 5. Asymptotic invariance 5.

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Though In a candid open letter, devoid of any names or book titles, American veteran author, Nora Roberts has shared her thoughts on this debacle with Nigerian-American author Tomi Adeyemi, rather candidly. This is all due to the tweet made by the Children of Blood and Bone author, on Tuesday, November 27, claiming that the veteran author lifted her book title. With pictures comparing Adeyemi's 25-week NY Times Bestseller 'Children of Blood and Bone' and Nora Roberts' upcoming sequel 'Of Blood and Bone', Adeyemi tweeted:"It would be nice if an artist could create something special without another artist trying to shamelessly profit off it. " Some hours later, the author retracted her statement, saying that she now believes the titles were created in isolation. However, there was still a need for Roberts to clear the air, seeing as she was still being attacked and accused of plagiarism by an online mob. In the blog post, she called out the Nigerian-American author as unprofessional and lacking basis for the accusations.

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