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I actually co-edited a science-fiction anthology of trans writers four years ago, and when we opened up submissions, I think we got over 300 writers sending us work for a very specific ask: speculative fiction from trans people. So [momentum] has been building. Little Fish is really a multigenerational story. Is there any part of this novel that is an offering to people of previous times—for those who may have been trans but were forced to stay in the dark? I thought about that a lot. Those things look and sound differently than maybe we would perceive them. With Wendy's grandfather, you could easily see he was closeted, where obviously those were probably not the terms he was thinking of, a person of that community and age. Henry is buried under layer upon layer of obfuscation. He grew up in a community where the language for this stuff would have been [nowhere], a not-talking-about-your-feelings kind of place. I'm always interested in how people react to situations they can't even conceptualize or find language to talk to themselves about.


February 18, 2021, 9:24 pm