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Customer images Top reviews from the United States There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2019 Verified Purchase My print head was not printing colors correctly. Repeated head clean and deep clean did not work. After using this I'm printing color photos again perfectly. The instructions were fine, from my perspective. Although this does not come with solution, it is simple to make at home. Just search the web and you will find a recipe for it, which is a couple of ounces of rubbing alcohol, distilled water, and few drops of dish soap like dawn. I used 8 ounces to flush all the heads sufficiently, and I recommend just making 16 ounces, then toss what you don't use. You also need enough distilled water to flush afterwords. This is a VERY messy process. Do it in a sink that won't stain. Wear gloves. No joke. I have a stainless kitchen sink which was perfect for this. I also had a couple disposable plates to set the syringe on, or the head, whatever, as needed, so as not to stain my counter.

The start of Sherlock's memoirs are still as good as his adventures! Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2002 Dave Davies dramatic rendition of this Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes classic tale is well worth a listen. Dave's obvious talent for dramatic reading comes through beautifully and the production quality is excellent. Hopefully David will not stop with just this one but will continue right through the entire cannon. If you like listening to "a good read" Silver Blaze is highly recommended. Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2016 Another great Sherlock Holmes will written short story with a fast moving story line to an unexpected conclusion. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a quick read. Enjoy reading Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2002 If you enjoy the intrigue of Sherlock Holmes, you are in for a real treat listening to David Davies vibrant and incredible rendition. Looking forward to future "readings" by D. Davies. You will too, once you've experience this exciting reading.

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Para gravar o primeiro registro ao vivo da banda, Dinho Ouro Preto, Flavio Lemos e Yves Passarel escolheram local e datas perfeitos: na Esplanada dos Ministerios, em Brasilia, dia 21 de abril, quando se comemorou o aniversario da cidade onde tudo começou para o Capital Inicial. Músicas: 01. Intro 02. Mais 03. O Mundo 04. Independência 05. Como Devia Estar 06. Geração Coca-cola 07. Passos falsos 08. Eu nunca Disse Adeus 09. Não Olhe pra Trás 10. Olhos Vermelhos 11. Primeiros Erros (Chove) 12. Algum Dia 13. Por Enquanto 14. A Vida é Minha (Eu Faço o Que Eu Quiser) 15. Fátima 16. Dançando com a Lua 17. Natasha 18. Que País é Esse? 19. Mulher de Fases 20. Quatro Vezes Você 21. À Sua Maneira 22. Fogo 23. Veraneio Vascaína 24. Música Urbana Dados do Show: Tamanho: 748 MB Formato: DVDRip/Avi Lançamento: 2008 Servidores: Megaupload Baixar Show – Megaupload

8. Identify potential activities and exercises Activities and exercises are the tools you'll use to make lessons concrete and applicable to the real-world. Or, you can provide a real-world road map that shows people how to apply the topics to achieve their goals. 9. Identify course topic areas Now that you know what people are actually trying to achieve and become, you know what you need to teach. Many people get this entire process backwards and start with topics they assume people need to be taught. 10. Develop course curriculum Now, take your topics and weave them into an overall curriculum. Not only should your curriculum have a dominant theme, it should be telling a story that leads to understanding and action. 11. Select media formats for initial content Back when you developed a learner profile based on your research of the market, you will have explored the likely desired learning style of your prospective learners. Do they prefer text, audio or video? Learning psychology demonstrates that all people benefit from a blend of media formats, so often you'll use the format that best suits the content.

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Ruth Rocha Na escola da dona Ostra, os professores são o dr. Camarão, o Peixe-Elétrico (que ensina a fazer foguetes) e o maestro Villa-Peixes. Os alunos não são apenas peixes, mas lulas e estrelas-do-mar, entre outros. Além das aulas diárias, uma vez por ano eles fazem um passeio pelo fundo do mar e aprendem coisas maravilhosas. Mas o fundo do mar também tem seus perigos, como o Tubarote, um tubarãozinho muito mal-educado, que acaba causando alguns problemas à viagem. Mas quer saber por que esse livro é tão legal? Porque atravessar suas páginas é como viajar pelo mundo submarino tendo a Ruth Rocha como guia da excursão. O que mais a gente pode querer? ler mais COMPRAR na Amazon Idioma: Português ISBN mais comum: 978856062996 Principal editora: Salamandra Obs. : O preço exibido acima é a média do valor pago pelos Livristas que já possuem o livro e não tem relação com seu preço atual de venda. Exemplares 1 Resenhas 0 Veja os exemplares deste livro encontrados nas bibliotecas dos Livristas: Nenhuma resenha disponível.

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Pero ahora teníamos una nueva preocupación: Colton llevaba unos diez días sin comer. Apenas pesaba unos veinte kilos al comienzo de la enfermedad y se había estado consumiendo al punto que los codos y rodillas parecían anormalmente grandes, y su rostro enjuto parecía el de un huérfano hambriento. Después de la cirugía, le planteé nuestra preocupación al doctor O'Holleran. —En casi dos semanas no ha comida sino un poco de gelatina y una sopa —le dijeé—. ¿Cuánto tiempo puede estar un niño sin comer? El doctor O'Holleran lo internó en la unidad de cuidados intensivos e indicó que le dieran una nutrición especial que se le administraba a través de una sonda. Sospecho que la cama en esta unidad no era sólo para Colton sino también para nosotros. Llevábamos sin dormir lo que Colton sin comer y estábamos completamente harapientos. Poner a Colton en la unidad de cuidados intensivos era la única forma en la que el doctor podía obligarnos a descansar un poco. —Colton estará bien esta noche —nos dijo—.

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