God Of War 2 Urn Locations

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Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ CelebrityGamerZ - Corey Feldman Interview Review High Definition mode Before the "Sony Computer Entertainment Presents" screen appears, hold L1 + L2 + L3 + Square + Circle. If you entered the code correctly, the letters on that screen will turn purple. -From: Larry Solinger Challenge Of The Titans mode Successfully complete the game to unlock the Challenge Of The Titans mode. Arena Of The Fates mode Get a "Titan" rank in Challenge mode to unlock the Arena Of The Fates mode. Titan mode Successfully complete the game to unlock the Titan difficulty setting. Alternate costumes Cod Of War: Successfully complete the game. Hydra Armor: Successfully complete the game. Dark Odyssey: Successfully complete the game on the God difficulty setting. Athena: Successfully complete the game on the Titan difficulty setting. Hercules: Successfully complete the game on the Titan difficulty setting. General Kratos: Collect 20 Cyclops Eyes. God Armor: Get a "God" rank in Challenge Of The Titans mode.

God of war 2 urn locations near me

Hydra Armor - Complete on any difficulty level. | Submitted by spitt Challenge Of The Titans Mode Beat the game on any difficulty mode. Unlock Practice Mode -Arena of the Fates Receive Titan rank on The Challenge Of The Titans. Sex Mini-Game Rhodes A little while into the area of Rhodes, the first area of the game, you will drop down into a bath-house/sauna type area. Instead of continuing and diving down, jump out of the water onto the area around it. There should be two screens which are breakable. Behind one of the screens are two topless women. By walking up to them and pressing the circle button, you initiate the sex mini-game in which you complete a series of button presses. When you have won, you will receive a large amount of red orbs and some green orbs. You can only receive the orbs once, however you may play the mini-game as much as you'd like. | Submitted by dead man Gift Chest Locations Experience gift chest: when you enter the bog of the forgotten you will see two chests but you won't reach them cause you will get into fight with the barbarian king.

While Kratos is on the button to open the gate, kick the block to the other side and then quickly roll under the gate. Then, push the block to the right and you will see three chests on a ledge in the background. Push the block to that area and double jump, then lift yourself up. This Urn allows you to gain ten times the number of Orbs than normal. Urn Of the Gorgons: After you get the Golden Fleece, backtrack to the conveyor belt with the Gorgon eye things that turn you to stone, then reflect the beam back at them. There will be three chests, one of which holds the Urn. This Urn enables your weapons to turn enemies to stone. Urn Of Olympus: Near the area where you get the Spear of Destiny, take the time slowing statue and push it near the waters edge from where you first came. Try to make it so you can start the time slowing from the other side of the pool. Then, press R1 across the other pool and roll into the room where the Urn is located. This Urn gives you unlimited magic. Urn Of Prometheus: This Urn is found in Atlas.

f. Urn of Poseidon - Unlock Challenge of the Titans by beating the game a ranking of Spartan or better to recieve the Urn of Poseidon. a. Urn of Gaia - For each one orb Kratos gains, it's worth 10 times its normal value. Maximum number of red orbs is 999, 999. b. Urn of Gorgons - The strike of Kratos' weapons turns enemies to stone. c. Urn of Olympus - Gives Kratos infinite magic power. d. Urn of Prometheus - When activated, Kratos has infinite Rage of the Titans. e. Urn of Fates - Extends the time of your combo meter by three seconds allowing you to get bigger combos. f. Urn of Poseidon - Allows you to exchange your Chrono's Rage magic with the magic: Poseidon's Rage from the first game: God of War I. 4. Credits: First of all, thank SCEA for the development of God of War and God of War II! Thank you CJayC for making Gamefaqs a great site to visit for talking about all the great video games! And thanks to everyone that gave me a tip or two while getting through God of War II. The End Begins.

God of War 's "A Path to Jotunheim" Journey starts simply and becomes complicated not long after. In this walkthrough, we'll take you through the quest, helping you solve every puzzle, defeat every enemy and find every chest and item along the way. SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon Objective: Realm travel back to Midgard The elevator that takes you out of the Secret Chamber of Odin at the end of " Escape from Helheim " will deposit you in the Travel Room. Head over and use the Bifrost to travel back to Midgard. Objective: Show Tyr's key plans to Brok Exit the Travel Room and go talk to Brok at his shop in the Temple. He'll forge Tyr's Key while you watch the cutscene that follows. Before you leave, make sure you upgrade your Blades of Chaos with that Chaos Flame you picked up in Helheim. This unlocks three new skills: Chaotic Rampage (3, 000 XP): Switch stances by pausing momentarily after any Blades of Chaos attack. Once in a new stance, Press R1 to preform a flurry of close-range attacks.

God of war 2 urn locations free

How to Reveal a Hidden Web-Site You can find a hidden web-site (just like the hidden phone numbers from the first game) by achieving a combo of 999, 999. As you are working to achieve this, you will first see the message "You destiny awaits". Followed by "The Secret Is Near" and "Almost There". These messages will appear above your Rage of the Titans meter. Eventually, if you hit 999, 999 you'll see the name of the web-site. Which is ".

Follow the tapestry-lined hallway, and take the first left to find The Hall of Tyr. Run forward between the statues and check out the rune on the door. After Kratos tries the only logical solution to the upside down doorway, head back to the middle of the room. Objective: Break the Chains Have the boy read the runes on the statues' chest for the answer to the sand bowl puzzle. Once he's done, use the switch to ride the elevator down. Turn around when the elevator lands to find a More than a Myth shrine. The chains you're trying to break are at the ends of the tunnels to your right and left. You can go whichever way you want first, but you'll have to do them both eventually. We're going to call them right and left when you're facing toward the open side of the room — away from the shrine. Right chain Items in this area: coffin (Bracers of the World Serpent, Hardened Svartalfheim Steel), Legendary Chest (Niflheim Cipher), drops (Traveler's Armor Shard, Traveler's Grizzly Trophy), drop (Symbol of Resilience) Open the door on your right.

After you beat the game and then get Arena of the Fates from the Challenge of the Titans, set one of the enemies to Berserker Cyclops and make them respawn. Set your health to infinite if you don't want that much of a challenge, and just keep killing it again and again until you get 20 and it will say you unlocked a new costume. (Also, eventhough you'll get them faster by setting it to more than one cyclops, it gets kind of hard to maneuver around the arena when there is more than one. )

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January 29, 2021, 5:50 pm