Carlos Munoz Ferrada

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They don't work. 15 people found this helpful This is very helpful in telling indoor and outdoor temperatures, and indoor humidity 6 March 2018 - The sensor we had gave out after six years, so I was glad to be able to replace just the outside component, not the inside readout. Knowing the outside and inside temperatures and the inside humidity really helps us. We have a wood stove, so I want to keep the humidity up, particularly for our piano. And I want to control the temperature inside--not too hot or cold. This also helps us with our gardening, knowing if we need to protect against frost. It gives a weather prediction, and after it has "learned" our area, it is actually quite accurate. Of course, you have to buy both pieces if you are starting out. One star off for only lasting six years outside under the eve of our roof. Not too bad, but not excellent. 7 people found this helpful 1. 0 out of 5 stars Poor quality, doesn't last 28 October 2017 - Bought replacement in May, worked fine for the summer, but has already failed again by October.

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January 25, 2021, 11:57 pm