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Numerical Problem on Light Reflection and Refraction (More numerical and questions at this page) Q1: How fast does the light travel in a glass of refractive index 1. 5? Answer: By Snell's law, refractive index (n) is the ratio of i. e. Q2:When a bright object is placed 10 cm away from a concave mirror, its real image is formed at a distance 40cm from the mirror. What is the focal length of the mirror? Q3: If the angle of incidence of a ray of light falling on the glass surface is 30° and the angle of refraction is 19°. what is the refractive index of glass? Ans: angle of incidence i = 30° angle of refraction r = 19° refractive index n = sin i/sin r = sin 30/sin 19 n =. 5/. 3256 = 1. 535.... (ans) Q4: If a child crawls towards a mirror at a rate of 0. 20 m/s, then at what speed will the child and her image come nearby to each other? Ans: In 1 sec, the child moves towards the mirror by a distance of 0. 20 meters. In the same second, her image also moves 0. 20m closer. Therefore, the child and her image comes closer to each other by 0.

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January 23, 2021, 8:26 pm