Reusita Asem

Math (again) This builds on the understanding of the alphabetic chromatic scale. After determining the song key versus the key you want your chord fingerings to come from, you count up the number of frets to determine capo placement. Looking at all the notes in the chromatic scale. If the key of the song is F but you want to use D fingerings, D is 3 half-steps lower than F, so place the capo at the 3rd fret. The fingering key must be lower than the song key. If you run out of notes, you can wrap around the scale notes listing and keep adding frets. Scale theory One final element is the major scale, a fundamental structure in music. The most basic major scale is in the key of C, because it has no sharps or flats: C D E F G A B C No matter what key a song is in, though, the major scale always has this pattern (where 1 = whole step, and ½ = half step): 1 — 1 — ½ — 1 — 1 — 1 — ½ Applied to the C scale: C — 1 — D — 1 — E — ½ — F — 1 — G — 1 — A — 1 — B — ½ — C A whole step, then, is equal to two half steps.

Reusita asem ft

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February 13, 2021, 2:13 am