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Exemplos: 2x. 2x = 4x² 4xy. 6xy² = 24x²y³ 10a²b. 9a²b³ = 90a4b4 5xyz. 6x²y³z = 30x³y4z² 5x³: 5x² = x 10x²y²: 2x = 5xy² 30z: 5z = 6 20b³: 10b = 2b² 6 Ao multiplicar monômios com parte literal diferente devemos: 1º passo: multiplicar os coeficientes 2º passo: agrupá-las, se as letras forem diferentes Exemplos: 2x. 3y = 6xy 4ab. 5z = 20abz 20c. 2ab = 40abc x. 6a = 6xa 7 No Processo de divisão de monômios é praticamente o mesmo, exceto pelo fato de ao invés de somar os expoentes devemos subtrair, depois fazemos a divisão normalmente respeitando a relação de sinais e sempre conservando a incógnita. Exemplos: x³: x = x² y²: y = y 25ab: 5b = 5a 8 x³:2 x² = 4x 8 Potência de Monômios São várias as propriedades que formam as regras de potenciação de números reais. Potência de potência Iremos aplicar essa propriedade no cálculo de potência de monômios. Exemplos 9 EXERCÍCIOS 1. Efetue. 2. Multiplique os monômios. a) ( + 7x) + ( - 3x)= b) ( - 8x) + (+ 11x)= c) ( - 2y) + ( - 3y)= d) (- 2m) + ( - m)= e) ( -72 x) + (+ 14 x)= f) ( + 8x) - ( - 3x)= g) ( - 6y) - ( - y)= h) ( - 5x) – ( - 11x)= i) ( + 7y) - ( + 7y)= 2. a) (+5x).

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Des gendarmes le capturent, mais l'évêque témoigne en sa faveur et le sauve. Bouleversé, Jean Valjean cède à une dernière tentation en détroussant un petit Savoyard puis devient honnête homme. En 1817 à Paris, Fantine a été séduite par un étudiant puis abandonnée avec sa petite Cosette, qu'elle a confiée à un couple de sordides aubergistes de Montfermeil, les Thénardier. Elle est contrainte de se prostituer... ISBN: Langue: Français Genre: fiction, classique, jeunesse, lecture avancée, nouveauté Droits: Domaine Public, CC BY-SA Editeur: Bibebook Source: BNF, éfélé Format: epub, pdf, mobipocket

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3º Ano Ensino Médio (EJA) - Central de Download Prof Julio Cesar M da Silva (Matemática)

Ironically, as more facts emerge they tend to undermine the storyline rather than reinforce it. Going solo after serving as a co-writer on The Maze Runner, T. S. Nowlin can't manage to convincingly frame the backstory concerning the catastrophic deterioration of the terrestrial environment that threatens humanity's survival. (Some type of super ozone hole or rapid deterioration of the earth's atmosphere? An unprecedented solar flare up? ) The evidence connecting that event to the development and spread of a deadly virus is so vague as to appear almost speculative. While distracting, this lack of specificity doesn't hold back the plot, which essentially becomes an interconnected series of chase scenes as the Gladers attempt to make their way across the Scorch, evading WCKD's pursuit, villainous mercenaries and various natural hazards. After solving the 3-D puzzle of the maze that imprisoned them and fighting off hordes of giant, deadly biomechanical spiders that guarded the labyrinth, dodging Cranks and slogging across sand dunes seems fairly routine by comparison, noticeably reducing tension for the Gladers while neglecting to systematically raise the stakes.

February 12, 2021, 1:58 pm