1. 4 1. 2 Packet Tracer

Greetings, and welcome to Seeseenayy. Packet Tracer Details: This packet tracer asks us to configure Static NAT on a router. Below you will find a download of the completed packet tracer file. It is recommended that you read the tutorial or so. Download(s) Tutorial/Walk-Through Follow these steps to configure static NAT: Part 1: Test Access without NAT Step 1: Attempt to connect to Server1 using Simulation Mode. a. From PC1 or L1, attempt to connect to the Server1 web page at 172. 16. 1. Use the Web Browser to browse Server1 at 172. The attempts should fail. b. From PC1, ping the R1 S0/0/0 interface. The ping should succeed. Step 2: View R1 routing table and running-config. View the running configuration of R1. Verify that the routing table does not contain entries referring to the IP addresses used by PC1 and L1. c. Verify that NAT is not being used by R1. R1# show ip nat translations Part 2: Configure Static NAT Step 1: Configure static NAT statements. Refer to the Topology. Create a static NAT translation to map the Server1 inside address to its outside address.


17.8.2 Packet Tracer – Skills Integration Challenge Answers - ITexam24

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1. 4 1. 2 packet tracer assessment + configuration

Document the addressing in the Addressing Table. Configure HQ and Branch with RIPv2 routing according to the following criteria: Advertise all three attached networks. Do not advertise the link to the Internet. Configure appropriate interfaces as passive. Set a default route on HQ which directs traffic to S0/0/1 interface. Redistribute the route to Branch. Design a named access list HQServer to prevent any computers attached to the Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 interface of the Branch router from accessing. All other traffic is permitted. Configure the access list on the appropriate router, apply it to the appropriate interface and in the appropriate direction. Design a named access list BranchServer to prevent any computers attached to the Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 interface of the HQ router from accessing the Branch server. Configure the access list on the appropriate router, apply it to the appropriate interface and in the appropriate direction. Branch Configuration hostname Branch! interface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip address 172.

1. 4 1. 2 packet tracer answers

Disable DNS lookup. Assign Ciscoenpa55 as the encrypted privileged EXEC mode password. Assign Ciscoconpa55 as the console password and enable login. Require that a minimum of 10 characters be used for all passwords. Encrypt all plaintext passwords. Create a banner that warns anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access is prohibited. Configure and enable all the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. Configure the IPv4 addresses according to your addressing scheme. Configure the IPv6 addresses according to the Addressing Table. Configure SSH on R1: Set the domain name to Generate a 1024 -bit RSA key. Configure the VTY lines for SSH access. Use the local user profiles for authentication. Create a user Admin1 with a privilege level of 15 and use the encrypted password of Admin1pa55. Configure the console and VTY lines to log out after five minutes of inactivity. Block anyone for three minutes who fails to log in after four attempts within a two-minute period. Switch Configuration Configure the SVI interface with the IPv4 address and subnet mask according your addressing scheme.

Seeseenayy: CCNAv2 Completed Packet Tracer

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