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• El principio de equidad Es aplicado a las generaciones actuales y futuras emana el principio de sostenibilidad, que promueve la necesidad de mantener la calidad de vida de las generaciones futurasy no perjudicarlas con las acciones humanas actuales, para lo que es necesario mantener la diversidad de seres vivos a otros niveles el principio de responsabilidad y por lo tanto los de prevención, cautela e información publica, también emanan el principio de equidad sin el cual pierden su significado. • Principio de responsabilidad Se basa en que los gastos derivados de un determinado dañoambiental debería pagarlos aquel que lo produce y no debe recaer ante terceras personas. Este principio esta presente en todo derecho internacional, especialmente en la política ambiental y en lalegislación particular de muchos países. • Principio de prevención y principio de cautela El principio de prevención es detectar los problemas ambientales que un determinado proyecto puede producir, antesde que produzcan, para evitarlos.

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According to protocol, you need to increase the Heparin drip by 2 units/kg/hr and administer 30 units/kg IV bolus. You will recheck the PTT in 6 hours. The patient is currently receiving a Heparin drip at 16 units/kg/hr from a bag that reads 25, 000 units/250 mL. The patient weighs 163 lbs. How many units will the patient receive as a bolus, and what will you change the flow rate to (mL/hr)? First, determine what you are solving for: units for this bolus AND NEW flow rate (mL/hr) Protocol dictates based on PTT to: INCREASE drip by 2 units/kg/hr (current dose is 16 units/kg/hr) NEW dose: 18 units/kg/hr Bolus needed due to PTT result: 30 units/kg The bag of Heparin are using: 25, 000 units/250 mL Patient's weight: 163 lbs 163 lbs x 1 kg = 74. 0909 = 74. 1 x 30 = 2, 223 units 2 lbs Current dose: 16 units/kg/hr…. increase by 2 units/kg/hr which will equal 18 units/kg/hr 163 lbs x 1 kg x 18 units /hr x 250 mL = 733, 500 = 13. 336363 = 13. 3 mL/hr Answer: Units for bolus: 2223 units New flow rate: 13.

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Es a partir de ese momento que las cosas irán complicándose entre ellos. Ambos se verán tentados a ir un poco más allá y dar rienda suelta a esa conexión que tienen. Lucharán contra la atracción que los une y acabarán viendo situaciones que lejos de alejarlos, los acercan más. Siguiendo en todo momento el rastro de los antepasados del, ya no tan feo, profesor, se verán inmersos en una aventura que ninguno se esperaba. Mi valoración de este libro es un 4. No sabría decir que me ha faltado, quizá un poco más de pasión… No lo sé. Es una historia que te engancha, llena de altibajos emocionales de los protagonistas y una trama secundaria que, a mi personalmente, me ha gustado más que la principal. Los antepasados de Morgan me han dejado con ganas de más, como si a su historia le hubiese podido aportar algún detalle interesante, aunque claro… De haberlo hecho, se destaparía la intriga que te mantiene leyendo hasta el final. El final es también algo que para nada te esperas, supongo que a Arwen Grey le gusta eso de mantener la tensión 😉 Ha sido la primera novela de esta escritora que leo, pero tengo claro que no va a ser la última…

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Main P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast Hunted [Hunted] EDITORIAL REVIEW: FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Zoey's friends have her back again and Stevie Rae and the red fledglings aren't Neferet's secrets any longer. But an unexpected danger has emerged, forcing Zoey to confront secrets she doesn't want to hear and truths she doesn't want to face. Publisher: San Val, Incorporated Series: House of Night #5 You can write a book review and share your experiences. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you've read. Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them.

Her heroes achieve escape velocity, smashing through oppressive systems and leaving them behind like shed skins. The world is ending in Jemisin's new novel, "The Fifth Season, " in ways from small to large and fast to slow, yet that's not such a bad thing, because the world is the enemy of the story: Father Earth as an antagonist whose unending cycle of destruction is all the more terrible for its faceless, insensate nature. The planet's oppression of its inhabitants parallels their own systematic oppression of the orogenes, mutants whose power to subdue the violent earth — at a cost — evokes the fear and hatred of the humans around them, and the hunger to make use of them. The lives and minds and bodies of the orogenes are trampled and exploited by their civilization as casually as the planetary crust shudders open a new volcano: a similarly impersonal cruelty that in both cases leads inevitably to the fifth season of death and destruction. "The Fifth Season" brings us to the end of the world in three different times, with three orogene women at different stages of life and loss.

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The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Summary & Study Guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book. This study guide contains the following sections: This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion on The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein. Although officially titled an autobiography, "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" is actually written by Gertrude Stein. The narrative is related from the first person perspective of Alice B. Toklas, the lifetime companion of the author. Given the close relationship of the two women, it is clear that although Stein wrote the book, her narrator's perspective is undoubtedly that of Alice B. Toklas. The first chapter of the book, "Before I Came to Paris, " relates the childhood of Alice, who was born in San Francisco, California, to a wealthy family. Alice lived with her father and brother in San Francisco until the great fire in 1906. Shortly thereafter, Alice moved to Paris, where she met Gertrude Stein on her first day in the city on September 8, 1907.

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